Anyone Else Struggling With Positivity Lately?

Milton Herring
2 min readJul 6, 2020


Photo by Miguel Luis on Unsplash

I am battling with myself as of late fighting with thinking positive or being in a state of joy. I am the biggest fan of positive thinking, because I think and know of the alternative and that is to worry, be in fear, struggle with doubt and insecurities. We all fall victim to this mindset and it can become a cancer that only grows with every opportunity it is given. So, my philosophy is that I work and I work and I work to dilute the pollution that so easily clouds my mind and judgement.

One principle I live by is to assume positive intent , this of course comes by way of relationships, but it can be used with external circumstances that come against you not in your favor. Going to the thought that this is “happening for me , not against me!” Assuming positive intent is one of the toughest muscles I have been developing for some time, years! But, of late it is very difficult to assume what others intentions are by way of media and conversations. We do have the power to not judge but to be introspective and assume the best intent possible for myself and others. And, when the stent is made know ,then and only then should you take appropriate actions.

Getting to ground zero in your mind and emotions

Ground zero is the point in which you are clear and ready to absorb and produce the positive , happy life you envision and long for yourself and others. Here are a couple of insights on how to get to ground zero:

Embrace- Embrace what ever is troubling you, this is different than accepting it as it is. This is more allowing it to flow through and and experience it. What this does is brings down the resistance barrier, relieves stress and allows you to begin to think.

Tell it — This is simple, but you need to have trusted people in your life you can tell your anxieties, doubts and fears to and people who will help you see the broader picture.

Write it- Journaling, note taking, jotting down are keys to allowing your flesh and mind to be in harmony knowing this is what is going on and expressing it in a tangible way. Journaling allows you to take a step up in your personal and emotional growth as well. Because its a matter of time that another challenge will present itself in life.

I assure you when you follow this simple guideline, you will get you to ground zero and this will aid you on experiencing the joy and power of positive thinking.

I hope this blesses you today- coach Milton



Milton Herring

Family and Faith Man First! Aspiring Inspirational Figure